Now I can breathe easy, thanks to Mold Busters!

>> Monday 23 January 2012

My house had been rented to various tenants over a period of several years, but when I wanted to move back to the property, I was shocked at the way the tenants had allowed mold to grow, not just in the obvious places like the bathroom and basement, but in other rooms, too.  I could smell the mustiness in the air and knew that it would not be healthy for me to move back in until the mold had been removed and dealt with.

I knew it was too much of a job for me, so I called Mold Busters to ask their advice.  Within days, one of the professional inspectors visited the house to make an assessment.  They took samples of the air to send off to an accredited laboratory, thereby determining not only a spore count but also the type of mold that they were dealing with.  Using highly sensitive detection equipment, including infrared cameras and thermal imaging equipment, they were able to find any mold that wasn’t visible to the eye, and also find the source of any excess moisture.  Sure enough, I had a leaking roof, seepage in the basement, and virtually no ventilation in the bathroom!

On the advice of Mold Busters, I arranged to have the repairs done and then called Mold Busters back to the property to start the mold remediation process.  All the contaminated porous materials were removed and disposed of, and the mold was removed from the house.  Each contaminated room was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and then, using drying equipment such as HEPA vacuums, it was dried out completely. 

Mold Busters were very helpful and gave me invaluable advice on ways to keep moisture levels down and thereby keeping mold at bay.  They visited the house regularly to monitor each stage of the mold remediation process, and kept me informed of progress.  It was an immense day when they handed the keys back to me, and I now have my home back, completely restored and habitable again including reclaiming the basement!

I couldn’t have asked for more from Mold Busters and without their help, advice and superb work, I wouldn’t have my home today.  They’re regular visitors here, too, as they come every year to monitor the mold ‘hot spots’ and test the air quality.  In looking after my home and my health, that’s money well spent!

Mold Busters, the experienced Mould Professional (Inspector) In Toronto are offering the best mold removal services in Toronto for years. Contact us Today!!! 


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